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Text File | 1995-05-14 | 11.5 KB | 260 lines | [TEXT/R*ch] |
- >01.Introduction
- ---------------
- Mail2000 is a small utility to read textfiles containing e-mail. I
- wrote it because I have lots of e-mail files lying around from over
- the last few years which I occasionally want to read. Mail2000 can
- open up to four files, and provides threading of the subject and of
- the sender, and easy navigation through the mails.
- It needs at least system 7 to run.
- >02.Quick Start
- --------------
- To open it, double click it, or throw any textfile onto the icon. The
- file wil be loaded, and the program will try to figure out the mails.
- A dialog box will display a counter and some information while it is
- examining the file. After that has been done, Mail2000 threads the
- subjects of the mails. A dialog box will be displayed while it is
- doing the threading. If it can't find any mails, the whole file will
- be displayed. In that case you have to change the strings it uses to
- sort out the mails (see under: 8.Miscellaneous).
- After the file has been examined and threaded, the first mail is
- displayed. The bottom of the window displays number of the mail that
- is displayed, the total number of mails in the file and the number of
- mails that have been marked, followed by the sender of the mail (in
- bold face), and the subject.
- >03.Selecting Mails
- ------------------
- When a new file is read in, all the mails are selected and sorted by
- date. Use the 'Thread' menu to select either a thread or all the
- mails. When a thread is selected, selecting the next or previous mail
- will display the next or previous one in the thread. Use the 'Mail'
- menu to thread the mails on subject or on sender. You can also
- select the previous or the next thread from this menu.
- The threads in the menu are sorted alphabetically, and the mails in a
- thread are sorted by date. It is possible to sort the threads in the
- menu by date; this can be specified in the preferences.
- >04.Marking Mails
- ----------------
- Using the 'Mail' menu, single mails, or all the mails in a thread can
- be marked or unmarked. When all mails have been selected, '(Un)Mark
- thread' will (un)mark all the mails in the file. The number of mails
- that have been marked is displayed at the bottom of the window, after
- the mail number, and the number of mails in the currect selected
- thread.
- A small diamond is used to show that a mail has been marked. It is
- displayed just in front of the sender of the mail. A diamond marker is
- also displayed in the popup menu which appears when you click in the
- bottom of the window.
- Marked mails can be saved, or left out, when you save the file using
- 'Save as…' from the 'File' menu. Using 'Save as…' you can also strip
- the headers of the mails. Only the headers that are useful (defined
- under 'File header strings…' in the 'Edit' menu) are kept, resulting
- in a smaller file. Check the 'Append mails' checkbox if you want to
- append the mails (or the marked mails) to another file.
- >05.Navigating Through The Mails
- -------------------------------
- There are several ways to read through the mails. Use the scrollbars
- and arrow keys to scroll up and down. Clicking in the text will
- display a scroll-cursor. Moving the mouse down a little will scroll
- down, and moving it up a little scrolls up. Keep the mouse button
- pressed while doing this. Moving the mouse up or down a lot will jump
- to the next or previous mail.
- If you click in the bottom part of the screen (where the information is
- displayed), a pop-up menu will appear. If all the mails have been
- selected, the 'Mail' menu will pop up, and you can select an option
- from that. If you are reading a thread, a menu containing either the
- sender will pop up (when threaded by subject or date), or a menu
- containing the subjects of the mails will pop up (when threaded by
- sender). A diamond character will show which mails have been marked.
- Pressing the spacebar or the page-down key will display the next page of
- the current mail, and jump to the next mail when you reach the end (you
- can read everything by just pressing the spacebar). The backspace and
- page-up keys do the same thing, but in the other direction.
- Finally, you can select 'Goto Mail…' in the 'Mail' menu. Type the
- number of the mail you want to read. Note that if you are reading a
- thread, you cannot select a mail outside of it.
- >06.Save Options
- ---------------
- The 'Save As' option under the 'File' menu allows you to save a file
- with stripped mail headers. That is to say, only the header-lines
- that are defined under 'File Header Strings…' are kept, the rest of
- the header is not saved. This will often reduce the filesize by
- something like 40% if you have files with lots of small mails. This
- option also allows you to save or delete the mails that have been
- marked. When there are no marked mails, only the option 'Save all
- mails' can be checked. Check the 'Append mails…' checkbox if you
- want to append the file (or a selection) to another file.
- The 'Save Mail' and 'Save Thread' options save the current mail or
- thread. The filename depends on the threading method chosen. Whether
- or not the headers are stripped depends on whether you checked the
- 'Display mails stripped' option in the Preferences.
- >07.Preferences
- --------------
- The 'Preferences…' dialog ('Edit' menu) allows you to specify if the
- comparison of the sender's e-mail address or the subjects of the mails
- should be case sensitive or not. It is also possible to sort the
- threads in the 'Threads' menu chronologically instead of alphabetically
- (useful if you thread by date). These changes will take effect the next
- time you select 'Thread subject' or 'Thread sender'.
- If you check the 'Display mails stripped' checkbox, the mails
- will be displayed (yep) with stripped headers (the mail you are
- currently reading won't be updated until you select it again).
- The 'Start with first thread' checkbox allows you to start reading
- the first thread after you open a file.
- Finally, there is an option to set a delay for the mouse scrolling.
- You might want to set this to something greater than zero if scrolling
- with the mouse goes too fast.
- >08.Miscellaneous
- ----------------
- Use the 'Font' and 'Size' menu to set the font and size for a file.
- Different files can be displayed in different fonts and sizes.
- Use 'Default Header Strings…' in the edit menu to change the
- definition of the mail headers for new files. The default
- definitions are used when the file is opened for the first time, and
- doesn't have any strings associated with it yet. Modifications to the
- default strings will be remembered.
- Once the file has been opened, you must use 'File Header Strings…' to
- change the strings. The first seven strings (the ones preceeded by
- titles) are needed by the program to sort out the mails. The other
- seven you can fill in any way you like. Use it for example to keep
- 'Newsgroup', or 'Resent' lines. All Mail2000 does is simply look for a
- line in the text beginning with one of the strings displayed in the
- dialog when reading a file (throw this file on Mail2000 to see another
- example of this). You can leave the field for 'Header end:' empty if
- you want an empty line to signify the end of the header. The current
- settings allow you to read for example UN*X mbox files.
- When you select 'File header strings…' from the 'Edit' menu, you can
- change the header definitions for the file you are currently reading.
- These strings are saved in a resource with the file when it's closed,
- and are used the next time the file is opened (you have to close and
- re-open a file if you want the changes to take effect).
- If you check 'Ignore header strings' in the preferences dialog, the
- definitions are ignored, and the default definitions are used when
- you (re-)open a file.
- 'Copy' ('Edit' menu) will copy the mail that is being read at that
- moment.
- If you know how to use ResEdit, you can change some of the other
- defaults as well. There is a string resource (STR# resource id# 131)
- which contains the name and the size of the default font (it is now
- set to Courier 10p). If you want another default font, change the
- name in the resource. The size of the window can also be changed.
- Edit the WIND resource if you want a bigger or taller window. The
- size at the moment is such that it just fits on a 9 inch Mac Classic
- screen. Finally, the STR# resource id# 130 contains the strings which
- are used when Mail2000 can't find a mail subject or sender. These can
- also be changed if you want to.
- >09.Limitations (And One Feature)
- --------------------------------
- Mail2000 uses TextEdit to display the mails. This means that mails
- that are larger than 32K are truncated, and only the first part will
- be displayed. A warning will be displayed when this happens. Larger
- mails are still saved or appended correctly though.
- Building a menu with lots of items can take a long time (by lots I mean
- over 200). The program shows a watch cursor, but appears to hang. If
- you wait a few seconds (well, it takes about a minute for a file with
- 500 mails on my LC) everything will be okay. The best thing is to keep
- files with about 200-300 mails (I save my mail box every month). This
- works fine on my LC, but that's a slow machine. If you have a faster
- machine, bigger files might still be handled comfortably.
- The items that are put in the 'Thread' menu are truncated to 32
- characters. Believe me, it's best that way. Keeping them full size
- makes the menu look even more ugly than it does now.
- A file that has UN*X or I*M style end of line characters is correctly
- read in, and converted to Mac type. A dialog box shows the progress
- when this is done (converting from I*M type is still very slow).
- >10.Finally
- ----------
- I hope you like this, and find it useful. It is shareware; you can
- try it out for two weeks, but if you decide to keep it, you should
- pay the shareware fee (the fee is US$ 5,- or 10 Dutch guilders). Or
- at least send me some e-mail saying whether you like or hate the
- program. Or tell me about bugs or things you want to see changed.
- If you have paid for one version, you of course don't have to pay for
- any updates. I take no reponsibility of any kind, so use this at
- your own risk. It has been written and tested on a Mac LC. Some
- testing was done on a Quadra 900, a Centris 650, a Mac SE and a IIcx.
- 'Example file 1' are messages from the now defunct Sonic Youth
- mailing list.
- And a thank you to the following people:
- •Ernst Mulder (pooh@stack.urc.tue.nl) for beta testing and suggestions.
- •Pete Resnick (resnick@uiuc.edu), for letting me use a resource with
- timezone information he compiled.
- •Willem Koster (willem@rc.rug.nl) for pointing out a bug that prevented
- operation on 68k macs.
- •Paul Halsema (phalsema@a102e.ess.harris.com) for feedback.
- •Mike Leggett (p2127825@aix00.csd.unsw.OZ.AU) for noting an
- incompatibility with Adobe Type Reunion.
- •Edward John Sabol (es2j+@andrew.cmu.edu) for noting an incompatibility
- with Adobe Type Reunion and a few suggestions which got implemented.
- •Patrick Hoepfner (hoepfner@tahiti.gsfc.nasa.gov) for valuable feedback.
- •Eddy J. Gurney (egurney@vcd.hp.com) for the progress bar CDEF.
- •Andreas C. Bauer (ac_bauer@ping.at) for the icons for v1.10,
- and some suggestions which got implemented.
- •Jeff Miller (jmiller@clark.net) for finding a problem with the parsing
- of the date.
- Any redistribution of Mail2000 must also include this Read Me file,
- the version history and the example file. I do not permit
- distribution on cd-rom, disks for sale (e.g. shareware catalogues or
- magazine cover disks) or any other carrier unless I receive a copy of
- the cd-rom, disk, or storage medium upon which it appears.
- My adres is:
- Peter Berck
- Sparrenstraat 1
- 5038 MJ Tilburg
- The Netherlands
- e-mail: Peter.Berck@kub.nl
- : berck@uia.ua.ac.be